From $69
4 Options Available
Make room for lobster! In this 3-hour Lobster Extravaganza Cooking Class, you’ll learn from an award-winning chef and enjoy crustacean culinary dishes you’ll savor. *Chef’s Kiss*.
Here’s what’s on the menu: lobster bruschetta, lobster mac-n-cheese, homemade lobster ravioli, and lobster bisque. You’ll come hungry and leave with a full stomach and happy heart – plus you’ll walk away with new recipes for your personal cookbook!You’ll be learning from Chef Baba (Chef Andrew N. Bennardo), an award-winning chef with dual degrees from the Culinary Institute of America and Florida International University’s School of Hospitality and Management. He’s trained at the best hotels and restaurants in Europe and South Florida. His training has inspired local restaurants, including Bennardo’s Ristorante, Delray Beach, Giancarlo Brick Oven, and Talia’s Tuscan Table, Boca Raton. His Nonna taught him to cook.. and now he’s sharing his gift with the world.
Once the class is over, you’ll not only have new favorite recipes... but also new meaningful memories!
Select Dates Only - 6:00 PM
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Experience Vouchers that have not been redeemed can be exchanged for anything else in our marketplace at any time. If you choose to exchange for an experience that costs more, you'll simply have to pay the difference. If you choose to exchange for an experience that costs less, you'll have a credit towards your next booking with Virgin Experience Gifts.